Here is our current wish list of things we need for our projects. Please contact us for additional information about the items on this list and other potential donations.
If it is not convenient for you to deliver your donations, please contact us because we can often arrange to pick them up.
We have an ongoing need for these items to support our projects. For many of these, either new items or gently used items are gratefully accepted.
- Toiletries
- Toilet paper
- Deodorant
- Razors and shaving cream
- Toothbrushes and paste
- Feminine products
- Shampoo
- Diapers (all sizes from infant to adult)
- Baby wipes
- Bar soap
- Facial tissue
- Cleaning supplies
- Laundry detergent
- Paper towels
- Dish soap
- Other cleaning supplies
- Household goods
- Sheets, blankets, pillows
- Towels, washcloths
- Dishes, glasses, flatware
- Pots, pans, cooking utensils
- Furniture
- Beds, mattresses
- Sofas, chairs, tables
- Lamps
- Appliances
- Major appliances
- Small household appliances
- Tools for home repair
- Tools for yard work and gardening
- Children’s toys
- Clothing
- All sizes from infant to adult
- Preferably in-season clothing
- We are no longer accepting shoes.
We also have several major needs which will allow us to provide services more effectively.
- Kitchen renovation
- Range hood with fire-suppression system
- Commercial dishwasher
- Accessibility
- Elevator or chair lift
- Accessible rest room