Join us for Wash FREE Wednesdays
Mobile Dentist Program
One Stop Shop
Furniture Donations
RBI Car Care
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Bringing the Free Store outside!
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Welcome to Redford Brightmoor Initiative!

Check on our Programs page for an updated schedule

See the Support Us page for ways you can participate.

Thank you & Stay Safe!

To provide families with essential goods and services
as a means of achieving stability while building community.

Our Programs

Our FREE STORES have been visited by 1000s of shoppers! 

Household items, bedding, towels and diapers continue to be the most needed items!

Our COMMUNITY LUNCH program has distributed more than 1,000 “to go” lunches!

Our VISITING MECHANIC has helped many of our clients with their car-related questions and concerns, as well as topping up their fluids and taking a peak underneath their hoods.

Our COMMUNITY GARDEN has a new fence and lots of produce and herbs are starting to pop their heads up!

How you can support


We are accepting household items, kitchenware, linens, towels, personal care items and more. 
We are also accepting appliances and mattress sets. Keep in mind that these do not have to be used!
We gladly accept shipments/deliveries of new.


Always appreciated and needed –
Your contribution will make a difference! 
Click the button below to donate today.

Our Locations

Location of the Redford campus 

(service location and administrative offices)

Location of the Brightmoor campus 

(service location)

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